Dow Administration | Roof Replacement


Dow Performance Materials (Aust) P/L


Point Henry, Wathaurong Country, Victoria


Rick Slevison



Dow Performance Materials segment produces chemicals and materials for water purification, pharmaceuticals, paper coatings, paints, and advanced electronics. The Dow Geelong site focuses on Acrylic chemistry and predominantly focuses on the architectural coatings business.

Our Plumbing division was engaged to complete roof replacement works involving:

  • Removal of the existing roof
  • Replacement with all new .48 zincalume sheets, box guttering, and Colorbond flashings.

As the site was live, this posed high risks of danger, as there was live electrical wiring inside the roof space. We worked with the client to assess and mitigate all risks to ensure works could be completed in a safe and compliant environment.

To ensure the utmost safety, scaffolding was erected around the perimeter of the building, enabling Kennedys to complete the works safely. The client was very helpful in coordinating trades to make the job run smoothly.

Dow Administration rooftop with plumbers workingDow Administration rooftop with plumbers workingDow Administration rooftop corrugated roofingDow Administration rooftop with plumbers workingDow Administration rooftop with plumbers workingDow Administration rooftop corrugated roofing