Asbestos & Environmental

An industry leader in asbestos removal, mould remediation and environmental services.

Fully licensed

Kennedys Group is a WorkSafe Licensed Class A removalist, capable of removing all forms of asbestos-containing material.

As a licensed removalist, we fulfill several obligations for each asbestos removal job, and all accompanying project management and liaison with authorities eg. Victoria WorkSafe.


We provide our clients with a full complement of asbestos removal services, including:


  • Removal, waste containment & disposal
  • Project and Stakeholder management
  • Stringent planning & controls


  • Removal of all asbestos-containing materials in soils
  • Abatement via screening
  • Management of excavation and loaders


  • Removal & remediation of PFAS, hydrocarbons, heavy metals & pesticides
  • Bioremediation, both passive & active
  • Soil vapour extraction, immobilisation & loadout


  • Removal and disposal of asbestos roofing
  • Supply and installation of new roof sheeting
  • Project and Stakeholder management


  • High quality mould removal, incl. containment setup
  • Management of air scrubbers, air movers, dehumidifiers & fogging equipment
  • Post-remediation verification testing


  • Remediation works on brownfield sites
  • Environmental protection
  • Material management, including diversion from landfill


  • Tank decommissioning, draining & contents testing, excavation & backfilling
  • Third-party clearance certification
  • Environmentally safe alternatives for tanks that cannot be removed for logistical or geotechnical reasons


  • Coordination of trades and services
  • Compliance with relevant Codes and Regulations
  • Timely project delivery


In the event of an emergency, our services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you require emergency services give the team a call on (03) 9393 9100.

Triple accredited

We are accredited for the provision and
management of services for the following:Kennedys Group ALTAS Certification Triple Accreditation Management Systems Safety Quality Environmental ISO9001 ISO14001 ISO45001

• Safety Management System ISO 45001:2018
• Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015
• Environmental Management System ISO 14001:2015

Learn more about our management systems here.


asbestos removalist specialist

Frequently asked questions

What was asbestos used for?

Asbestos was widely used in Australia until the late 1980s, particularly in the construction industry. Once considered to be a useful mineral because it is flexible, strong, affordable and can insulate from heat and electricity. As a result, Australia has a significant legacy of asbestos-containing materials in various buildings and structures.

Since 2018, there has been over 5.5 million tonnes of asbestos waste disposed of in Australia.

What are the dangers of exposure to asbestos?

Exposure to asbestos can pose serious health risks due to the inhalation or ingestion of asbestos fibers. These microscopic fibers can become lodged in the lungs or other parts of the body, leading to various health problems.

The long term health risks highlight the importance of proper asbestos management and removal to minimize exposure and protect the health of our team and clients.

How do you safely remove asbestos?

Always contact a professional asbestos removalist, like Kennedys Group, to ensure the removal is conducted safely.

Our reputation in the industry has resulted in us collaborating with various authorities, regulatory bodies, and government to develop approved codes of practice and safe-work procedures to remove asbestos.

Our team is also trained to safely remove mould and a variety of soil contaminants including PFAS, hydrocarbons, heavy metals and pesticides.

Who to contact for asbestos removal and environmental services on a commercial property in Melbourne?

If you believe there may be asbestos materials in your property, complete the form on this page or call us on 03 9393 9100.

Our team of specialists will provide assessment of your asbestos removal and environmental service needs.

What are the costs involved with the removal of asbestos and other contaminants?

A call out fee and quote is complimentary and each job will be quoted based on the contaminant removal required. This will vary from job to job and will only be established post site visit when the works are determined.

a better way to remediate.

We’re ready to work with you on making your space safe and healthy. Enter your details here, and one of our experts will be in touch to discuss.